Hi, I am

Sonja Kolmer

Front-end developer, based in Europe

For insights into my coding journey, find some featured projects below.

Shiba Inu

This was one of my very first "show-worthy" projects on my way to become a professional developer. I was introduced to the following technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and VSCode. Learning about the fundamentals of HTML, styling it with CSS and last but not least, animating it with JavaScript.

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Weather App

From my first project to this one was a huge leap. As a result, my learning curve was extremely steep. The technologies added were: API, Git, GitHub, and Hosting.

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AI Quote Generator

Learning about the Artificial Intelligence component was extremely insightful, but definitily not the easiest. All the more am I proud to include this project here. Technologies in addition were: AI.

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World Clock

Similar to the Weather App was this project. Further understanding how various components work in unison and exposure to write code given what has been learned thus far, it reflects perfectly the broader sprectrum of my skills.

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